Either mild or with more complications if it is aggravated by time without treatment of any kind. It is time, from the beginning, to resort to a specialist who can openly and with certainty identify the diagnosis in order to proceed with the respective psychological and/or psychiatric therapies, if necessary. Do not believe in the myths that surround the issue of depression, each case is different and must be considered as such.
Unfortunately, currently depression diseases have been the order of the day, since the defective conditions of each country and the problems that flood the millions of minds in the world, can lead to a state of collapse in the ways to solve problems and thus, remain stuck thinking only about the negative parts of the issue that is initially causing the depression itself. As if that were not enough, the association of depressive symptoms with smiles is hardly considered vitally important, which demonstrates the affective incongruity that the affected person currently manages.
In those moments when depression smiles, it is normal to feel like an ordinary person who is simply sad, but the picture is not indicative of this, since behind that smile there is an affected person who does not see beyond the problems, therefore hides what is in plain sight, the solutions. The internal pain that these beings repeatedly perceive often fails to externalize it since with smiles they try to appease everything that happened but with zero effectiveness. However, these conditions are being postponed so much that a limit is reached where it can no longer be hidden and when it comes out, it may be too late in most cases.
This mechanism of pathological sadness is also called smiling depression and it is that despite the fact that the person offers an aspect of normality to the environment, the symptoms accumulate inside, avoiding at all costs the help they really need.
Individuals with an introverted personality, in which problems and emotions are only part of themselves, are more prone to suffer from smiling depression.
Also, in people with a perfectionist attitude, who tend to demand too much of themselves and when they make a mistake, they can collapse internally to the point of reaching depression.