Memory is a system for receiving, processing, filing, and retrieving information. The human being without memory is like a vegetable, since it would be impossible for him to think, feel, act,...
And how does this vital mechanism work?
When we are born, we are like a blank sheet. The experiences that we are living are the ones that build the story on that initial page. Memory, like any story, has its temporal divisions: sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory.
-. Sensory memory: It is the ability to retain impressions of sensory information after the original stimulus has ceased. It's divided in memory iconic, which is visual sensory memory and echoic memory, which refers to auditory sensory memory.
-. Short Term Memory (STM): Also known as “primary memory” or “active memory”, it is the ability to actively hold a small amount of information in the mind, so that it is immediately available for a short period of time. The duration of the MCP is estimated at several seconds and have one capacity of 7+/- 2 elements. MCP should not be confused with “working memory” or “working memory”, which refers to the processes involved in the storage of information.
-. Long-term memory (LTP): also known as “initiative memory” or “secondary memory”. It is the part of memory responsible for store memories for a period of time that can be from a few days to years or decades. No has limit of ability either duration. Here we can differentiate between episodic memory: our memories and semantic memory: our knowledge
Do we know how to use our brain?
Unfortunately, the answer is no. They have not taught us to use the brain, therefore, we let it act on "autopilot" and only at 10% of its full capacity... Very few people know how it works and even less how to enhance it.
It is a mystery how to synchronize the two cerebral hemispheres to optimize their performance, how to get the most out of the fact that "a picture is worth a thousand words",...
Neuroplasticity is one of the characteristics of the human brain. When we learn, we are modifying our memory. With memory we learn and by learning we are modifying.
Memory is an information processing system that has four basic functions:
Its characteristics are contradictory, since sometimes it works better than a computer, and at other times it is not capable of retaining two eight-figure numbers.
Let's see an example. Try to remember the next set of numbers: 7931 – 0345. Now try to do the same with the second: 8995 – 2578. Close your eyes and without looking try to remember them alternately. Surely, one of the numbers will have been erased from your mind. The contradiction that the operation of the MCP contains is that if we stop to record and avoid forgetting, we cannot continue receiving new information.
And, although there are techniques to improve memory, they are not taught in school...
then, how can we improve it?
The first thing you should know is that there are no bad or good memories, it all depends on how you make it work.
Memory loss is something that worries us, even more so when we reach certain ages... It is necessary to prevent and get down to work to try to preserve this capacity that is so important for human beings and so present in our day to day.
-. Learn to look without stereotyping. The first door that touches the reality that surrounds us is that of our senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch... So try to represent it in different ways to enrich the perceptual code. We remember the 5% from what we hear, the 20% from what we see and the 90% from what we do, BEAM! Do not be afraid of making mistakes, if you are in class, overcome your shyness and go to the blackboard, or if you are studying, simply try to increase the range of what you are trying to memorize with simple drawings...
-. Use cheats. These are memory techniques. It is very useful self-imagination: in this way we improve learning and subsequent recall of information. It is about imagining yourself in a situation associated with the material you want to learn.
repeats reinforce the trace in memory. Here the keys that we introduce during perception are important. If the memory is difficult like “having something on the tip of your tongue”, trying to force yourself to remember it can be misleading. On the other hand, if we introduce a "key" and let the unconscious act, we will obtain better results...
-. The dream. Get enough sleep, as sleep is scientifically proven to influence memory and cognition. Sleep is an important process in the consolidation of memories, in the selection of information to be discarded and forgotten, and in the learning of motor skills.
-. do exercise. The gains that sports practice has for the brain are undoubted. For example, aerobic physical exercise increases the size of the anterior hippocampus and this implies an improvement in spatial memory. This part of the brain structure is essential for memory and with age it loses volume, so now you know: to move the body!
-. Meditation. Meditation has many benefits for our brain, we improve the capacity of working memory, these deviations of thought decrease: the ramblings, lower the stress level and we try to make mind and body form a single team!
-. mingle. We derive pleasure from interpersonal relationships and, furthermore, they are a factor associated with better memory performance.
-. Diet influences brain performance when learning. Students should avoid heavy and fatty foods. There are foods that can help optimize our memory:
1- carrots: The antioxidant beta-carotene that this vegetable contains is very beneficial for memory, especially if it is consumed in the long term.
2- salmon and tuna: Omega-3 acids improve memory and learning. It has been scientifically proven that this fatty acid is necessary for neural connections (synapse) and so that certain molecules related to memory and that are in this synapse, come to express themselves.
3- walnuts and kiwis: They also contain omega-3.
4- almonds: A daily handful of this fruit is wonderful for us to "feed" the memory.
-. Practice "Brain Training". Just 15 minutes a day of these computer game programs has benefits for memory: they improve executive functions, working memory, processing speed,...
Besides: read, do sudoku puzzles, word puzzles, self-defined,…
And since the best moment of your life is right now, get down to work and remember that prevention is cure...
"The key to your future is hidden in your daily life." Pierre Bonnard.