Jealousy: unhealthy jealousy I

pa1gv por pa1gv
5 Min de lectura

Sick jealousy that you feel and that leads you or will lead you to destroy your partner or at least to live in disharmony on a daily basis and in the way that you can end them to live your life without the ties of this disorder.

Jealousy, when do you suffer from this disorder?

I am going to speak to you here of the Cid and of autohypnosis and of the heinzmann method of therapeutic hypnosis. It is a pity that you suffer from pathological jealousy since what better than to love and be loved, to love and receive love and live in harmony, in balance with the satisfaction of feeling that the path that is traveled together with the loved one is the one that makes you happy.

You know better than anyone that it is not possible for you to live with your partner without feeling that jealousy that leads you to question, to suspect, to doubt, to always look for what shows you that infidelity that you suspect, but that you also know and deep inside you that unfortunately you will end up killing the love that the person you love feels for you. Because you know very well that no love lasts with the fight, suspicion and permanent doubt.

None, not even yours.

Pathological jealousy kills love if we go along with the innumerable queries made by those who suffer from it for themselves or because they suffer from it. Since they are permanently questioned and suspected by their partners.

We must take this phrase for granted, because no one can sustain love. No one can grow in love and towards their partner, if they feel cornered, insulted...

Pathological jealousy always puts distrust, doubt in every action or situation that your partner lives. Those who suffer from it, under a suspicious gaze, cannot be happy.

It can't grow either. If the person is not happy, he does not grow. Neither will love grow, nor will the relationship grow. So that the fate of that love, I am very afraid, will be its disappearance.

Every person who suffers from pathological jealousy or jealousy is someone who needs professional help in order to be able to modify those weak points of their personality.

To put it in some way, that leads them to feel jealous or the sick desire to possess the person they love and take away their freedom, although they also end up imprisoning themselves.

Since the jealousy that he feels to a great extent also makes him suffer, it takes over his life and also insults his intelligence, because it transforms him into something that reduces his existence to that world that he wants to control and that in no way can or will do so.

If the person suffers from pathological jealousy, they have a first difficulty, which is not being able, without the help of a professional to help them, to overcome this situation and change their behavior.

Thus, the loved one learns to love maturely. He manages to be happy and make his partner happy. However, it must be borne in mind that whoever suffers from pathological jealousy not only causes suffering, but also suffers.

It is typical, he always fears the presence of another in the relationship and each act of the loved one, each sentence, each situation, each look, will give him elements of suspicion so that his fantasy is triggered and he begins to see situations that arise precisely in his own imagination, but to which he gives consistency of truth.

Whoever suffers in this way is someone who has no self-confidence, strength, or high self-esteem.

You will find rivals everywhere, since feeling less worth than anyone else, than anyone else who crosses the path of your love, it is not necessary to cross even half a word, nothing is necessary for your imagination to create all situation, even the most sordid.

Going through the least possible or the most ridiculous. Everything has a place in his imagination and from this the daily ordeal of the person he loves.

Since that reality that he created manifests itself on the loved one with reproaches, doubts, insults, fights and can go further...

Jealousy: unhealthy jealousy II

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